Our Story

Every journey that creates a story worth telling begins with a challenge or a call to action - a life and mind-changing event after which everything is different.

I suppose The Natural Group's story - which is really my story - begins when, as a professional grand prix motorcycle rider, I slammed into a barrier at two hundred kilometers per hour, breaking multiple bones. It introduced me to a new level of pain I could never have previously imagined. Little did I know, at the time, it would also open up a whole new world to me.


From broken beginnings...

That crash in my late teens marked the beginning of a fascinating journey that has led me to the discovery or perhaps I should say the rediscovery of a number of outstanding natural therapies used by traditional natural therapists for centuries.

Back then, some 15 years after the crash, the therapy I discovered was magnets. It was a poorly made back belt and rather uncomfortable, but when people are desperate, they will usually persevere with something that they’ve been told has the potential to offer them pain relief. It wasn’t all that long before I noticed a difference in my mobility and discomfort – enough of a difference to make me sit up and take notice!

I began to ask questions. Then to research. There wasn’t a lot about magnetic therapy at the time, but what there was corroborated my own results. I was amazed that there was so little information about something I thought was so amazing. It was then that I first resolved to do everything I possibly could to bring the benefits to people in my own country, Australia.

My own mother and father had long been suffering from the aches and pains of old age, so I was particularly aware of what a great boon affordable pain relief would be to seniors and other Australians of modest means.

In 1997, from a pattern drawn on newspaper sticky-taped together in my lounge, a room that doubled as my office, factory and everything else besides, The Natural bioMagnetic underlays were born. Today, they form the cornerstone of my business, which is based on the beautiful Gold Coast in South-East Queensland, and have grown to become Australia’s number-one selling magnetic bedding products. 


The studies

All the passion and energy I felt about researching Static Magnetic Fields led me to obtain a degree in Applied Magnetic Therapy from the International School of Magnetic Therapy, based in Ontario, Canada. To my surprise, that turned out to be just the beginning.

The search for something to deal with my own pain and discomfort had led to the creation of a company and products I was really proud of. However, the world it opened up to me - herbs, acupuncture, acupressure and the healing traditions of many ancient civilisations - proved so fascinating, I felt compelled to continue. Three decades on, and much more research later, I have been led to some remarkable places and some even greater understandings.

Those ‘understandings’ have led to additions to our range of products. There’s The Natural Balance, which includes the benefits of acupuncture and meridian therapy - but without the needles. 

These additions to my magnetic bedding range mark an important turning point in my quest to take proven natural therapies, improve them with the help of modern technology and make them available to fellow suffers. Why? Some might say it’s because that’s when we changed the company name from BioMagnetic to The Natural Group. However, it’s really because that’s when BioMagnetic truly became part of a team; a team that was focused on helping with pain, enhancing wellbeing and improving quality of life.

And, I’m happy to report, that’s exactly what they do!


The story is in the numbers

Because the world of natural therapy is highly regulated and the jury is still out concerning the scientific proof regarding many of them, we didn't just rely on my own results, but decided to invite Australians to try the new team of products for themselves.


We put out a call for people of all ages who had been struggling with ongoing conditions traditional medicine had failed to address. About 50 people, looking for help for everything from a bad back to broken bones were keen to have their own journey recorded on film and in writing.


Eight weeks later, the conclusion I’d been hoping for – no, expecting - became clear. The stories from this group of people, from disparate backgrounds and with disparate conditions, was an almost direct reflection of an anecdotal client survey I’d conducted in 1999.

At the end of the trial period I felt like celebrating. Take a look at these improvements stats and you'll see why:


"Better than we could have imagined" - The Million Dollar Statistic

Out of the 65% of the people who were taking prescription medication at the start of the trial, 100% stopped or reduced their intake of medication. 39% had been able to stop altogether...


Craig, still racing on the track, thanks to his own search for results.

I know they have done wonders for me and those who have taken this journey with me so far. We look forward to hearing what The Natural can do for you.